Sarah Rowsell Holistic Therapist & Reflexologist
Helen -Massage Therapist
Helena Sterne – Acupuncturist
Stephanie – Radical Coach & Healer
Marc Wood -Massage therapist
What practitioners of other therapies have said about Spinal Touch and the Light Touch Therapy Training course
“I learnt more in the seven days of this course than in the entire period of my time training in osteopathy” – Osteopath (Essex)
“Thank you for the course, it was brilliant and I enjoyed it immensely. Not only was it very educational, it was also fun” – Osteomyologist (Cornwall).
“We are going form strength to strength and our client base is still increasing, averaging 90+ a week and that is just with Spinal Touch!” – Massage therapists (Fremantle, Aus.)
“Your Spinal Touch Course was one of my very favourite times of the year. Thank you again for a wonderful course, I love the therapy so much and learn more and more each time I practice” – Hypnotherapist & Reiki Practitioner (Staffordshire)
“The use of Spinal Touch in my practice has increased my income so much that I have the biggest tax bill I have ever had!”. Complementary Therapies Consultant (Cornwall).
“I’ve been using Spinal Touch exclusively for certain patients. People really feel “lighter” and better in themselves. Thank you for sharing Spinal Touch with me. I will use this therapy until my last days” – Acupuncturist (Chicago, USA).
“People come to me from other therapists often in a state of permanent healing crisis. I give them a Spinal Touch Treatment which balances them and integrates any other treatments. I find that Spinal Touch also helps children very much – often those with asthma problems. My practice now consists almost entirely of Spinal Touch with the addition of some gentle massage” – Bowen and massage therapist (Sussex)
“Spinal Touch is proving a real ‘hit’, being a popular treatment. The local Physiotherapy Department sends a lot of their patients to us and we are able to get impressive results. The treatment never ceases to amaze us; it is quite wonderful”. – Holistic & Beauty Therapist (Kent).
I have been having great results with the Spinal Touch and it is mainly what I do with regard to treatments now. People are coming from recommendations from other people. Thanks so much for the training – I am so pleased I came and did the course as I am enjoying being able to help people who have, in some cases, tried everything else to no avail !!”. – Kinesiologist & nutritional therapist (Sussex).