+44 1837 840718

Bio-Stress Release Workshop

Master a treatment that gently removes pain instantly!

As a holistic practitioner, a therapist or a fitness coach, are you looking for a therapy that brings consistently therapeutic results?
Do you want to see people recover from physical or emotional trauma applying a gentle yet powerful treatment?
Would you like to boost the number of client referrals to your practice ?

Bio-Stress Release Workshop Dates 

Module 1: 18th to 20th of October 2024

Module 2:  8th to 10th of November 2024

Limited Places Available so Book Early

Bio-Stress Release

Bio-Stress Release is a gentle form of bodywork which releases tension and eases pain.

It works by taking the body back through the movements which were involved with the problem in the first place but under safely controlled circumstances. This is achieved by locating the preferred position for the part affected and then working to undo the damage.

From the preferred position the practitioner can identify precisely what it is that the body is trying to protect. The movements of Bio- Stress Release are made slowly and do not oppose the spontaneous preferences of the body and thus this approach is quite distinct from techniques which involve any sort of forceful adjustment.

In order to relieve tension we work at different angles and move from the physiological movement (movement through which the joint can be taken by the patient him/herself) into the anatomical movement (the extra movement which can safely be found with a minimal amount of applied pressure).

Appropriate movement or touch is applied to the affected part in order to draw the attention of the central nervous system to the specific needs of that particular area. Once a release position is identified then gentle compression into the part is used to further stimulate the proprioceptors and reinforce the message that needs to be sent. In this way we combine muscular and neurological information so as to encourage the body to become aware of its own process and, in due course, to restore balance.

The therapeutic techniques are prefaced with a taking of the patient’s medical history and a visual assessment of the level of symmetry and balance within the body structure.

The treatment itself is conducted with the patient lying on the couch, first face-up and then face-down as we work sequentially through the various parts of the body. In this process we can release tension from the spine, shoulders, hips, knees, pelvis etc so that the body will realign itself.

We recommend that patients continue their treatment at home with very gentle exercise movements that will maintain the correct posture.

~ Susanna Terry

oands-on course and you will be supported in perfecting your skills.

There will be continuous assessment of your work with the techniques. 

When you reach a satisfactory standard you will be given a Bio-Stress Release certificate.

This usually happens at the end of module 2 

Bio-Stress Release Workshop Dates & Fees

Limited Places Available so Book Early

Module 1: 18th to 20th of October 2024

Module 2:  8th to 10th of  November 2024

The cost is at £720.00 for two 3-day modules.

Early Bird Price £580, book by September 28, 2024

Full Payment: £580.00 (click here)

2 Easy Pay: £315.00 for each payment (click here)

Click here to book your FREE Enrich Your Holistic Practice session (optional)

Tea/coffee and refreshments are provided at intervals during teaching sessions.

Bio-Stress Release (Outline Standard Module)

Techniques devoted to primarily static positions of release determined from physical and verbal feedback from the client with respect to what is comfortable and releases pain often within seconds.

Day 1. History and background.
  • History and background.
  • Therapeutic principles
  • Ethics and case-management in using BSR
  • Patient prone: Lumbar spine
  • Rib-cage and thoracic spine
  • Shoulder girdle
  • Head and neck
  • Patient supine: Lower body – pelvic evaluation and release
  • Upper body – abdomen, ribcage/sternum, shoulder girdle, head and neck.
  • Evaluation and release indicators of these.
Day 2. Review of Day 1.
  • Review of Day 1.
  • Basic techniques used on thoracic and lumbar spine, hips, knees, legs and feet.
  • The various specific and particular conditions in which these are applicable.
  • Practical work (students working on each other)
Day 3. Review of Days 1 & 2.
  • Review of Days 1 & 2
  • Techniques applied with patient lying on side or sitting.
  • Exercises for self-help
  • Practical work.
  • Review and consolidation of Days 1, 2
  • Practical work.
Learn to open the person’s Energy Field & the Chakra Balancing Procedure.
Apply the powerful energy of fulcrums on the front as well as on the back of the body.
By the end of the course you will be able to apply Bio-Stress Release to the following areas of the body:
  •  Head and neck
  • Thoracic vertebrae and ribs
  • Lumbar region
  • Pelvis inc. ilio-psoas muscle
  • ilium/sacrum, ASIS, Ischium (seat bone)
  • Lower limbs: femur, knees, ankles, feet
  • Upper limbs: shoulder, clavicle, arms, elbow, hand ,wrist
  • Sternum
Bio-Stress Release treatment of a young man aged 17 years

He was complaining of pains in his legs and could neither sit on the floor with his legs out straight nor bend over and touch his knees – let alone touch the ground.

On examining him I found that his spine curved over to the left and that when he tried to bend over, the 7th thoracic would twist slightly and prevent him from bending forwards. He could not straighten his legs even when standing upright.

I discovered that he had grown very rapidly as a young teenager and had cycled everywhere, very rarely walking. Over time he outgrew his bicycle to the point that he could not fully straighten his legs when peddling. As a result he had highly developed thigh muscles and rather short hamstrings and in effect he did not have the elasticity in his leg muscles to allow him to bend forward. Therefore he had to continuously bend to the right to pick things up from the floor and developed the curve in his spine which further limited the extent to which he could bend forward.

He had several BSR treatments and was instructed in exercise techniques to do at home to support the treatment.

I am happy to say that he can now bend forward and touch his ankles with his legs straight.


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