Coronavirus (Covid19)- Is there a way to protect ourselves from infection?
I have been following up the information on the Covid19 infection which is spreading all over the world and making the life difficult for so many people. Researchers are not yet sure how the virus spreads from person to person. Dr. Mark Denison, a virologist at the...

Treating Sports Injuries and Sciatica with ‘Light Touch’ Therapies
Fitness and exercise often go together. Most people benefit from various forms of exercise. At times however things seem to go wrong in spite of having sessions with qualified trainers. One such case was that of Peter (not his real name) a 54year old man, who...

Fibromyalgia and Spinal Touch Treatment
Fibromyalgia is generally considered to be a chronic illness which is, at worst, chronically disabling. As there is currently no recognised cure, treatment simply consists of the management of symptoms. The word fibromyalgia itself is comprised of the greek roots myo–...

Spinal Touch Treatment for Pain-Relief
Western medicine does not accept the importance of energy systems within the living body. Traditional oriental forms of medicine however are fully aware of this energetic presence and base their entire approach on an understanding of subtle forces. Oriental medicine...